
This is a five week set of Bible readings for your personal devotions. The theme is ‘generous God, generous people’, or more simply, our calling as stewards of all that God has given us. Each week tackles one aspect of the overall theme. Each day follows the same simple format of a reading, the main verse, a brief reflection followed by a response to consider, a passage for further study and a simple prayer. 

You might want to have a notebook with you to record your own reflections and responses to the questions and actions. 

The fives themes are: 
  • Generous God 
  • Generous people 
  • Generous giving 
  • Generosity towards others 
  • Principles for generous people to live by .
At the end of each week you might want to spend a little time reflecting on what you have learned. 
  • Which themes or issues made a special impact on you? 
  • What challenged you and perhaps made you uncomfortable? 
  • What excited you? 
  • What will you do as a result of this? 
  • How does this affect your attitude to your faith, the church, those around you? 
This is a brief introduction to get us thinking about how we can be responsible and faithful disciples in a challenging world. Enjoy your reading and prayer and may God richly bless you.

The first daily reading will appear the day after Ash Wednesday. There will not be a reading on Sundays.


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